Apprenticeship Employment Network

AE News Volume 13, Issue 1

Thursday, 23rd January 2020
Hi Reader!

Upcoming Events

12 February - IR & Financial Controllers Network Meeting
12 February - IR Basics Workshop
18 February - QA Standards Network Meeting
18 February - Competency Based Training Workshop
Click here for all upcoming events.

Welcome to 2020

Welcome to the New Year. We hope you have had a chance to have a break with family and friends and are refreshed and ready for another busy year in VET/GTO.

The AEN has a year planned full of events:
12th - IR & Financial Controllers Network Meeting and IR Basics Workshop
18th - QA Standards Network and Competency Based Training Workshop
26th - Cyber Security Awareness Workshop

4th - Cross-Cultural Responsiveness Training
12th - Apprentice Luncheon and GTO Managers Meeting

7th - OHS Network Meeting
22nd - Alcohol, Drug & Well-being Workshop

18th & 19th - Mid-year Conference
14th - OHS Network Meeting

12th - QA Standards Network Meeting
20th & 21st - Field Officer Conference

9th - GTO Managers Meeting
15th - IR & Financial Controllers Network Meeting

10th - OHS Network Meeting
19th - AEN AGM, Mini Conference and Awards
PD workshops will be announced throughout the year. Keep an eye on the AEN Event Calendar for updates.

2020 Stakeholder Survey

As a valued stakeholder of the Apprenticeship Employment Network we would like to thank you for the support you have provided in the past.

To help us improve our services, please take a few minutes to tell us about your experiences, the support you receive and how we can improve this into the future.

Your individual responses are anonymous and we encourage you to answer honestly.

Free Child Safety Information Sessions

We can all play a part in keeping children safe from harm and abuse.

The Commission for Children and Young People (the Commission) is providing free information sessions in February and March to assist organisations or businesses required by law to be compliant with Child Safe Standards to meet their obligations.

The sessions cover each Standard and how they might be applied practically in your organisation.

The sessions provide foundational information to increase knowledge and are targeted at senior staff and those responsible for implementation of the Standards in your organisation, such as CEOs, principal officers, Child Safety Officers, Member Protection and Information Officers, human resources staff or small business owners.

These sessions may also be of value for those who are wishing to understand more generally the responsibilities of organisations under Child Safe Standards.

Registration is essential and places are limited.

For further information please contact the Commission for Children and Young People by email or call 8601 5281.

For further Child Safe Standards Information visit the Commission for Children and Young People.

Apprenticeship Vacancy Index

This week GAN Australia released its December update to the Apprenticeship Vacancy Index (AVI).

Over the past nine months over 11,042 apprenticeship vacancies were advertised across Australia. Note that this is not an exhaustive count and these figures can be a lot higher.

December 2019

Top Industry Sectors
Building and Construction - 308
Automotive - 290
Engineering - 125
Business Administration - 119
Health & Community Services – 104

Top Occupations
Automotive Trade - 166
Carpenter - 132
Administration - 114
Children's Services - 86
Electrical Trades - 84

State Performance
NSW - 648
VIC - 402
QLD - 149
SA – 130
WA - 85


Top Industry Sectors
Building and Construction - 2492
Automotive - 1719
Business Administration - 935
Engineering - 907
Hospitality & Tourism - 854

Top Occupations
Carpenter - 1034
Administration - 837
Electrical Trades - 744
Hair and Beauty - 724
Children's Services – 702

State Performance
NSW - 4227
VIC - 3044
QLD - 1665
WA - 769
SA - 541
As is the norm for this time of year, there was a decline in advertised vacancies.

One thing that is clear is that while the auto manufacturing industry may have collapsed, mechanics are one of the top sought after occupations.

Access the AVI at GAN Australia.

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2020

This report provides an overview of global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation and productivity, as well as dimensions of job quality such as employment status, informal employment and working poverty. It also examines income and social developments, and provides an indicator of social unrest.

According to the new World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2020 (WESO) report, almost, half a billion people are working fewer paid hours than they would like or lack adequate access to paid work.
WESO Trends 2020
In addition, the WESO shows that unemployment is projected to increase by around 2.5 million in 2020.

The report shows that the mismatch between labour supply and demand extends beyond unemployment into broader labour underutilisation. In addition to the global number of unemployed (188 million), 165 million people don’t have enough paid work and 120 million have either given up actively searching for work or otherwise lack access to the labour market. In total, more than 470 million people worldwide are affected.

The report also looks at labour market inequalities. Using new data and estimates it shows that, at the global level, income inequality is higher than previously thought, especially in developing countries.

To access this free report please visit Skills for Employment.

New Dedicated Victorian Agency to Guide Bushfire Recovery

A new permanent dedicated agency will work directly with local communities impacted by our state’s devastating bushfires, as we begin the long process of rebuilding and recovery.

The new Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV) will be wholly focused on the needs of Victorian communities, working closely with locals to ensure that rehabilitation projects are both locally-driven and locally-delivered.

Recognising the lengthy process of recovery – in addition to the increased risk our state faces due to longer and hotter bushfire seasons – the work of BRV will be permanent and ongoing. That includes a commitment to supporting any Victorian communities impacted by future bushfires.

The critical work of BRV will begin straight away, even as our emergency services continue to battle bushfires in our state’s north and east.

This effort will extend across a range of priorities from the immediate clean-up and ensuring the health and wellbeing of residents and farmers, to longer-term work to help local communities and local economies, like the agricultural and tourism sectors get back on their feet.

In line with this commitment, Community Recovery Committees will be established to ensure locals have a voice throughout this process, while local jobs and expertise will be prioritised wherever possible.

The agency will also be responsible for advising the Victorian Government on the coordination of efforts and the development of an overarching plan for the restoration and recovery of communities across our state.

Bringing a wealth of experience, former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Ken Lay will serve as BRV’s Chair, with Lee Miezis, Deputy Secretary at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, offering extensive knowledge on fire and emergency management to serve as CEO.

The new agency will sit within the Department of Premier and Cabinet to ensure whole-of-government coordination, and report directly to the Premier.

Further updates will be available at Bushfire Recovery Victoria.

World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2020

Marsh would like to share with you the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2020, prepared in partnership with Marsh & McLennan Companies.

Now in its 15th edition, the report provides insights into the key global risks facing businesses as well as the collective view of risk experts in all sectors as to the most significant threats to global prosperity in 2020 and over the next decade.

Understanding risk at a global level is essential for government and businesses of all sizes in Australia.

This year, the Global Risks Report is released at a time when Australia is experiencing many of the themes outlined, first hand.

The report contains important considerations for our region, and Marsh looks forward to working with their clients and contributing with support for the community impacted by the bushfire crisis.

NCVER Update

Submissions for #NoFrills2020 close soon

There's only 1 month left to submit your abstract, so why should you present your research at the 29th National VET Research Conference 'No Frills'.
  • 'No Frills' is a well-known annual national conference with an international reputation for excellence
  • Contribute your insights and evidence to the future of Australian VET policy
  • Promote your research to industry, provider, research and government representatives, which may open the door to future opportunities
Submissions close Monday 17 February 2020, so don't miss your chance to be part of the narrative.

Submit your abstract now.
GAN Subscribe to Newsletter
Do you want to be kept up to date with everything that’s happening with GAN Australia and the wider VET sector?

Head on over to GAN Australia and subscribe now.

Bunnings Apprentice Trade PowerPass

Don't miss a world of opportunities! As a Bunnings PowerPass Apprentice member, you can benefit from a huge range of exclusive deals.
  • ABN free applications for trade-related apprentices
  • Access to PowerPass prices and offers on a wide range of trade products
  • Invitations to exclusive trade events
  • Offers tailored to apprentice’s needs
  • Bunnings Trade merchandise
How do you Sign up for a Bunnings PowerPass Apprentice Membership?
  • Apply for PowerPass on the website
  • Fill in the details and submit
What to do, once you've signed up
The first thing to know is that there is no plastic card issued for a Bunning’s PowerPass member. Your membership is always with you, as the ID card lives on your phone.
  1. After you've filled in the application and it’s been processed you will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address, so it’s imperative that we get your email address right.
  2. After we have verified your email address, you will receive a new email with your CARD NUMBER and a link to download the Bunnings PowerPass App for your phone.
  3. Load the App, enter your card number and you’re good to go.
For further information and details please visit Bunnings Trade PowerPass.

Thanks to our Industry Partners


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