AE News Volume 13, Issue 17
Upcoming Events
14 Jul - OHS Network Meeting
Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees Program
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has seen a sharp reduction in apprenticeship and traineeship employment.
The Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees Program has been created in response to this challenge. The program aims to assist apprentices and trainees who have lost their employment complete their training.
The Department of Education and Training (DET) has commissioned Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN) Victoria, the peak body for group training employers, to develop and administer the program.
Apprentices and trainees who have lost their employment are encouraged to register.
Once on the register, apprentices and trainees will be assisted by one of our program officers until placed with a host employer through a Group Training Organisation (GTO) or directly with an employer.
Program officers will also help direct you to the most appropriate advice and assistance while you remain out of employment.
Employers who have job vacancies for apprentices or trainees can submit them on the vacancy register.
Our program officers will match your vacancy with suitable candidates for you to interview.
Employers may also be eligible for Australian Government incentives.
To access the Minister's press release please visit the Premier Victoria website.
New SafetyFirst Safety Basics Videos
Following the release of the first SafetyFirst Safety Basics animations aimed at highlighting key safety issues faced by apprentices and all workers more broadly, we are pleased to announce that with the support of RMIT we have produced another 5 animations covering the following topics:
- General WHS Site Induction
- Forklift Safety
- Quadbike Safety
- Supporting Young Workers
- SWMS's, JSA's, Policies and Procedures
This brings the number of animations to 25 with a further 5 currently in development. These animations are freely available for any GTO to use and to help spread the important message with apprentices of Safety First!
Updated Supporting Apprenticeships and Traineeship Program Guidelines
On Wednesday afternoon the Commonwealth released updated guidelines on the changes to the Supporting Apprentices and Trainees measure to extend to GTOs where the host employer is in receipt of JobKeeper.
COAG Update
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Skills Council (the Council) met on Friday 15 May to progress actions to continue to meet Australia’s skills and training needs and to support the recovery of the Australian economy as COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease.
- Critical skills
- Apprentices & Traineeships
- VET Reform Roadmap
- Australian Training Awards
You can access a copy of the communique or visit COAG for more information.
Victorian Training Awards - Nominations are Open
Eligible trainees or apprentices in the Victorian TAFE and training sector who deserve recognition for their achievements can now apply for this year’s Victorian Training Awards.
The Awards recognise and reward the achievements of apprentices, students, teachers, employers, and training providers across 15 general categories, People’s Choice Awards, and the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement. Winners will also have the opportunity to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards at the end of the year in Brisbane.
The AEN and GAN Australia are once again proudly supporting the Awards as a Principal Partner for the second year running.
Delayed Start to Incentives for Australian Apprenticeships (1 January 2021)
This week the Federal Government has announced a delayed start to the new Streamlined and Simplified Incentives for Australian Apprenticeships (IAA) initiative.
The new incentive arrangements replace the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program (AAIP) with a simplified and streamlined structure and new payment categories that will make many employers financially better off.
The National Skills Needs List that underpins incentives for apprenticeships is also being reviewed, informed by consultation with industry and employer groups.
The new streamlined IAA was to be introduced on 1 July 2020.
The government has now advised that the start date has been pushed back six months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"With economic conditions changing rapidly and the full impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on skills needs unknown at this time, the Government has revised the implementation schedule for the IAA program from 1 July 2020 to 1 January 2021," the announcement said.
AATIS Launch New Schools Guide to Australian Apprenticeships
Recently, AATIS launched a new Schools Guide to Australian Apprenticeships.
It has been specifically designed to help career advisers and teachers have career conversations about apprenticeships and traineeships with their students.
The Schools Guide covers the key Australian Apprenticeships information that schools need to support their students, and explains how to use the free resources available on the AAPathways website.
The new Schools Guide was launched during a webinar on Tuesday 19th May.
The Guide was well received by those who joined the webinar.
If you were unable to join this session you can view a recording and access the Schools Guide via the Career Advisers page.
GTO Industry Renumeration Survey
This week AEN invited all GTOs to participate in a free online GTO specific renumeration survey.
The survey is open to all GTOs to participate and the final results will only be shared with the GTOs that participate.
The survey will be open until 30 June 2020, with all individual results strictly held in confidence.
Victorian Parliament To Return To Scheduled Sittings From June
Victorian Parliament will return to scheduled sittings from the start of June, as restrictions that were put in place to slow the spread of coronavirus are cautiously lifted.
Parliament last sat on Thursday, 23 April to pass emergency legislation to keep government services operating and fund critical investments to protect the health system, support jobs and help businesses survive.
Under the schedule announced today, both houses of Parliament will sit from 2-4 June and 16-18 June.
Parliament will then break for the previously scheduled winter recesses before returning on 4 August.
National Careers Week
This week (18-24 May) is National Careers Week.
National Careers Week aims to celebrate careers, career development and career development practitioners and to promote the economic, social and personal benefits of career development.
The objectives of National Careers Week are to:
- Develop community awareness of the concept, benefit, and value of career development.
- Raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes, and broaden horizons about careers.
- Highlight the need for ongoing reskilling and upskilling to support careers throughout life.
- Identify the changing nature of work and its impact on all Australians.
- Showcase industries and the career opportunities available in them.
- Provide opportunities to partner with key stakeholders
ILO MOOC - Quality Apprenticeship
The International Labour Organization (ILO), a United Nations agency, is launching a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Apprenticeships.
The MOOC aims to support policy-makers and practitioners in the design and implementation of high-quality apprenticeships in the fast-changing world of work and addressing challenges posed by COVID 19.
The MOOC will allow participants to choose one of the two learning paths:
- The learning path for policy-makers focuses on the key building blocks of quality apprenticeship policies and systems. It highlights effective strategies and innovative solutions for addressing challenges.
- The learning path for practitioners focuses on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate apprenticeship programmes. It provides a wide variety of tools and examples of good practices from various countries.
Renowned International experts would facilitate the MOOC. It consists of a 7-weeks online open learning course that requires only 2-4 hours of learning time per week. It allows flexibility for learners to learn anytime and from anyplace.
The centerpiece of the MOOC is the establishment of a global network of international policymakers and practitioners to share innovative approaches and practices.
Furthermore, considering the objectives of the MOOC, it will focus on participatory activity-oriented learning augmented by interactive-lessons, videos, webinars, peer-to-peer workgroups, strategic mapping and checklists of best practice.
The MOOC will be supported by learning material (articles, links, multimedia) and tools that will be made available to each participant.
After completing the MOOC, participants can obtain a Certificate.
Dates: 29th June – 16th August
By registering the MOOC, participants will also get an opportunity to access a self-guided course on From Informal to Quality Apprenticeships.
FREE Training Available to Trainers and Assessors
The VDC is pleased to announce that the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) funded Skills First Professional Learning Program for 2020 is commencing from 11 June 2020.
This program is free to all employees of Victorian TAFE and RTOs and Learn Local organisations contracted under Skills First.
An exciting and innovative series of free virtual workshops and online sessions has been developed to provide professional learning to teachers (trainers and assessors) and other staff directly involved in the design and/or review of course content and assessments at Skills First providers.
The virtual workshops are:
Building Works: More Jobs For Victorians
The Victorian Government will get shovels in the ground and thousands of people back to work, building the projects that matter to Victoria – and creating the jobs that matter to Victorians.
As we face the biggest economic challenge in generations, and as industry and business find new and innovative ways to adapt, the Victorian Government is rolling up our sleeves and playing its part to drive new economic activity – and with it, creating thousands of new jobs across the state.
Last month, the $1.7 billion Economic Survival Package was announced to help businesses through the worst of the coronavirus crisis – with tax refunds, grants for businesses and opportunities for workers to get back into jobs.
On Monday this week the Government launched the first part of our Building Works package, which will provide $2.7 billion towards shovel-ready projects – big and small – to get thousands of people back to work.
The package will create 3,700 direct jobs for construction workers, painters, plasterers, gardeners, engineers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, maintenance workers, administration staff and many others.
Thousands more jobs will be created across our supply chains, including manufacturing, logistics, transportation, warehousing and retail – while also pumping extra dollars back into our economy.
At the centre of the Building Works package is $1.18 billion in education infrastructure projects that will create space for more than 21,000 extra students in Victoria’s education system and create more than 1,600 local construction jobs.
The Government are building ten new schools, delivering a further four stages of new school projects, upgrading or modernising 57 schools, purchasing and refurbishing relocatable school buildings, making modifications for students with disability, as well as carrying out fast and job-creating maintenance on schools and TAFEs across the state.
Beyond school infrastructure, Building Works includes hundreds of projects that have been selected because they can get underway as soon as possible, meaning shovels in the ground – and boots in the mud – within a matter of weeks and months.
Upcoming Public Holidays
Mon 8 June Queen's Birthday
Do you want to be kept up to date with everything that’s happening with GAN Australia and the wider VET sector?
Bunnings Apprentice Trade PowerPass
Don't miss a world of opportunities! As a Bunnings PowerPass Apprentice member, you can benefit from a huge range of exclusive deals.
- ABN free applications for trade-related apprentices
- Access to PowerPass prices and offers on a wide range of trade products
- Invitations to exclusive trade events
- Offers tailored to apprentice’s needs
- Bunnings Trade merchandise
Thanks to our Industry Partners