AE News Volume 13, Issue 19
Upcoming Events
14 Jul - OHS Network Meeting
National Cabinet Replacing COAG
The National Cabinet has abolished the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and will establish new rules on how the states and territories are funded by the Commonwealth.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison made the announcement on Friday last week after a meeting of the national cabinet, which has met once or twice a week through the coronavirus crisis.
"COAG is no more. It will be replaced by a completely new system and that new system is focused on the success that has been yielded by the operation of the national cabinet," Mr Morrison said, describing the new set-up as "congestion busting" and designed to "avoid endless meetings that do not result in action".
For further information please see the Prime Minister's press release.
Macklin VET Review - Submission Deadline Extended
Many organisations have already contributed to the Review through consultations, surveys and submissions. The scheduled closing date for feedback is Friday 5th June. However, in light of the current health crisis the Engage Victoria page will remain open for an additional thirty days.
New Homebuilder Grants Announced
On Thursday this week the commonwealth Government announced it will provide $25,000 grants to owner-occupiers for certain construction and renovation work on their homes.
Eligibility for the HomeBuilder grants will be restricted to substantial renovations and the construction of new homes, with recipients required to spend at least $150,000 before being eligible.
The grants will be means-tested to exclude couples making more than $200,000 per year and individuals making more than $125,000 per year, while limits will also be placed on the value of the property the grants go towards.
New builds will be capped at $750,000, while renovations can cost anywhere between $150,000 and $750,000, but will only be subsidised if the house being altered is valued at less than $1.5 million.
The scheme will not apply to investment properties or owners who intend on building or renovating on their own without the help of builders.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said HomeBuilder would save jobs at a time when the industry was facing extreme uncertainty.
"This is about targeted taxpayer support for a limited time using existing systems to ensure the money gets used how it should by families looking for that bit of extra help to make significant investments themselves," he said.
"If you’ve been putting off that renovation or new build, the extra $25,000 we're putting on the table, along with record-low interest rates, means now's the time to get started."
The grants will be available until the end of 2020.
Review of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development
The Productivity Commission has released its interim report on Australia’s skills system this week.
The study is examining how well the Australian, State and Territory governments have achieved their goals for the vocational education and training (VET) system as set out in the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development, and the suitability of this agreement for the future.
As part of this task, the Commission is to examine several related issues, including how governments can better coordinate their support for VET, options for improving funding and pricing arrangements, and how to ensure that government investment in VET produces the best returns for the community
Following the release, the commission will seek further information and feedback by July 17, with a final report to be provided to the government in November.
Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees Program
The top 3 sectors represented are:
- Electrical, Electronics and Utilities
- Building and Construction
- Hospitality
The top 3 occupations are the:
- Electrical Trades
- Plumbing and Roofing
- Carpentry, Joinery and Cabinetmaking
First year apprentices make up nearly 45 percent of those seeking assistance and while regional Victoria has been affected slightly, the vast majority of participants are located in the Metro Melbourne area.
We have also seen employer confidence in the economy boost with more job vacancies being listed on last month. The register currently has over 100 job vacancies listed.
The program aims to assist apprentices and trainees who have lost their employment complete their training.
Apprentices and trainees who have lost their employment are encouraged to register.
Once on the register, apprentices and trainees will be assisted by one of our program officers until placed with a host employer through a Group Training Organisation (GTO) or directly with an employer.
Program officers will also help direct you to the most appropriate advice and assistance while you remain out of employment.
Employers who have job vacancies for apprentices or trainees can submit them on the vacancy register.
Our program officers will match your vacancy with suitable candidates for you to interview.
Employers may also be eligible for Australian Government incentives.
VDC - Specific Professional Learning Programs for the Vocational Education Sector in Priority Areas
The Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) has provided Program Funding to the VDC to develop and deliver specific professional learning programs for the vocational education sector in priority areas, as a response to the Government’s commitment to quality training outcomes. The 2020 Program has now been adapted in response to COVID-19 to be delivered online.
The full day workshops have been designed and adapted into a highly interactive virtual workshop for 25 participants, with break out rooms for group discussion and ample opportunity to converse with group members and the facilitator to collaborate and share ideas and insights.
Further, the VET Practice Series and the Learn Local series has an action learning activity where you have an opportunity post the virtual workshop to reconnect with the facilitator in a one-hour discussion at a later date.
The half day workshops have been adapted into an hour online session with a Q&A opportunity with the facilitator so you can gain insights to improve your knowledge, skills and practice to improve the learning environment, experience and outcomes for all VET learners.
All the sessions are now aligned to Teaching, Assessment, Systems and Compliance, and Industry, Community and Collaboration domains and related capabilities as prescribed in the VET Practitioner Capability Framework.
- Victorian VET Teacher Professional Learning Program
- Victorian Learn Local Professional Learning Program
- The Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) has funded the VET Development Centre (VDC) to coordinate professional learning for Vocational Education and Training (VET) teachers, trainers and assessors delivering family violence related courses.
- Skills First Contract Professional Learning Program
Victorian Training Awards - Nominations Extended to 3 July
Eligible trainees or apprentices in the Victorian TAFE and training sector who deserve recognition for their achievements can now apply for this year’s Victorian Training Awards.
The Awards recognise and reward the achievements of apprentices, students, teachers, employers, and training providers across 15 general categories, People’s Choice Awards, and the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement. Winners will also have the opportunity to represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards at the end of the year in Brisbane.
The AEN and GAN Australia are once again proudly supporting the Awards as a Principal Partner for the second year running.
New Workplace Manslaughter Laws and How to Prepare for 1 July 2020
The Victorian Parliament recently passed new workplace manslaughter laws that will impose fines and jail terms for employers responsible for negligently causing death.
The Victorian Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and Other Matters) Bill 2019 includes fines of up to 100,000 penalty units (currently equating to $16,522,000) for bodies corporate, and potential jail terms of up to 20 years for corporate ‘officers’ and other senior staff.
In order to guide business on how to best prepare for these new laws, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has developed a two-part webinar series which is aimed at explaining the new laws and how best to prepare for them.
Join VCCI for a FREE, informative two-part webinar series about how to best prepare your business to ensure you fully comply. VCCI Senior Health, Safety and Wellbeing Consultant, Ian Wallis, will firstly discuss the laws and their key components and then provide advice on how to ensure workplaces can avoid workplace fatalities and serious injuries.
VCCI are running two sessions for each webinar topic to ensure people don’t miss out - you only need to register for one session for each topic.
For further information please visit the VCCI.
ATO Updates NFP Information
We will provide tax-free cash flow boosts between $20,000 to $100,000 to eligible employers to support them during the economic downturn as a result of COVID-19.
Information about the monthly business declaration for the JobKeeper Payment.
Single Touch Payroll (STP) brings some changes to your end-of-financial-year processes. Finalise your payroll by 14 July if you have 20 or more employees, or 31 July if you have less.
Temporary cash flow support for small and medium businesses impacted by COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
Independent Assessment of Apprentices & Trainees
Upcoming Public Holidays
Mon 8 June Queen's Birthday
Do you want to be kept up to date with everything that’s happening with GAN Australia and the wider VET sector?
Bunnings Apprentice Trade PowerPass
Don't miss a world of opportunities! As a Bunnings PowerPass Apprentice member, you can benefit from a huge range of exclusive deals.
- ABN free applications for trade-related apprentices
- Access to PowerPass prices and offers on a wide range of trade products
- Invitations to exclusive trade events
- Offers tailored to apprentice’s needs
- Bunnings Trade merchandise
Thanks to our Industry Partners