AE News Volume 15, Issue 41
Friday, 2nd December 2022
Upcoming Events
8 Dec OHS Network Meeting
2023 Events to be released soon!
GAN Conference - Earlybird Closes 16th December
We invite you to be a part of 'The Future of Apprenticeships Perspectives from Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia striving for excellence' 2023 GAN Melbourne Conference
On behalf of the conference organising committee of 'The Future of Apprenticeships: Perspectives from Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia striving for excellence', we are pleased invite you to be a part of a leading event focused on reigniting apprenticeships in Australia and connecting like minded international collaborators, government stakeholders, industry participants, group training organisations, unions and educational institutions to build economic prosperity by working together.
The conference promises to be an excellent opportunity to network and connect with industry stake holders, participate in a range of workshops, study tours, facilitated debates and attend industry network events.
Melbourne: 5th February to 8th February 2023 (inc. travel to Aukland, NZ on 8th February)
Auckland: 9th February to 10th February 2023
2022 Apprentice Training Awards
The 2022 Apprentice Training Awards were held on 23rd November with 240 people in attendance.
This year, a record number of nominations were received - over 100.
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2022 Apprentice Training Awards:
School-Based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year
GAN International Apprentice Scholarship
Director ID – Deadline Date Fast Approaching!
The Australian Business Registry Services announced earlier this week that while technically the deadline would remain 30 November.
It would not penalise anyone who applied for their director ID by 14 December. In effect, the announcement makes the new deadline 14 December.
A Director ID is a unique 15-digit numerical identifier that will be assigned to directors as proof of their identity based on a one-time application.
Directors will keep their director ID forever, regardless of whether they change directorships, change names or move overseas.
What are the penalties for not having a director ID?
In 2022 ABRS announced four new offences for not having a Director ID under the Act.
Penalties can range up to $1,100,000 if existing directors do not have a director ID in place by 14 December 2022.
Victorian Fair Jobs Code – Starts 1 December 2022
On 10 August 2022, the Victorian Government launched the Fair Jobs Code (FJC).
The FJC seeks to promote the fair treatment of workers by entities who provide services to or who receive funding from the Victorian Government, by assessing their conduct against the five FJC Standards.
What are the FJC Standards?
- Standard 1: Comply with all applicable employment, industrial relations and workplace health and safety obligations.
- Standard 2: Promote secure employment and job security.
- Standard 3: Foster cooperative and constructive relationships between employers, employees and their representatives.
- Standard 4: Foster workplace equity and diversity.
- Standard 5: Promote supply chain compliance.
When does the FJC come into effect?
The FJC will come into effect on 1 December 2022, but Suppliers, Sub-Contractors and Businesses are able to apply for Pre-Assessment Certificates now.
Who does the FJC apply to?
The FJC applies to all Victorian Government departments, agencies and public bodies in relation to contracts or grants with Suppliers and Businesses meeting the definitions of a Threshold, High Value Procurement Contracts, or Significant Business Expansion Grant.
Victorian State Election
With primary vote counting still underway, it is too early to tell how many seats the Labor party has won the election by.
The new Ministry will be announced once all vote counting has been completed.
A summary of the key policies that Labor pledged during the election include:
- Committing to at least 6,000 apprenticeships as part of the reinstatement of the State Electricity Commission.
- Establishment of a new apprenticeship taskforce.
- Free care registration for all apprentices.
- Extending eligibility for Free TAFE to people with higher level qualifications and introducing legislation to guarantee up to 70 per cent of VET funding to TAFE.
- Establishing six new Tech Schools in Frankston, Dandenong, Hume, Brimbank, Warrnambool and Wangaratta.
- Investing $170 million to build and extend TAFE campuses as part of a new Building Better TAFE Fund, which includes a $50 million Clean Energy Fund.
Inquiry into the Perceptions and Status of Vocational Education and Training
Following a referral from the Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, on 30 November 2022.
The House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training commenced an inquiry into the perceptions and status of vocational education and training.
The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make a submission to the inquiry addressing the terms of reference by 1 March 2023.
For further information please visit the perceptions and status of vocational education and training website.
NCVER Update
This research examined how the delivery of VET has changed through the COVID-19 pandemic using data from NCVER’s Total VET Activity collection.
Results show that VET subjects delivered through blended delivery has experienced sustained growth, from almost 23% of subject enrolments in 2019 to just over 29% in 2021.
VET subjects delivered online only increased by more than 3% in the year the COVID-19 pandemic was declared.
This has since remained relatively steady, with a similar proportion of subjects delivered online only in 2021.
The proportion of VET subjects with no online delivery has decreased since 2019.
This decline was most pronounced in the first year of the pandemic with a decrease of almost 7%, followed by a smaller decrease of just under 3% between 2020 and 2021.
Retrenched Apprentices and Trainees Program
Since the program commenced in May 2020, a total of 920 participants have been supported to date.
Apprentices and trainees who have lost employment are encouraged to register.
Once registered, apprentices and trainees will be assisted by one of our program officers until placed with a host employer through a Group Training Organisation (GTO), or directly with an employer.
If you have an apprenticeship position you would like to fill, please contact the AEN Office so we can forward potential candidates that meet your criteria.
Do you want to be kept up to date with everything that’s happening with GAN Australia and the wider VET sector?
Thanks to our Industry Partners