Apprenticeship Employment Network

AE News Volume 12, Issue 1

Thursday, 24th January 2019
Hi Reader!

Upcoming Events

6 Feb - IR & Financial Controllers Network
20 Feb - QA Standards Network
4 Mar - Annual Apprenticeship Luncheon
Click here for all upcoming events.

Welcome to 2019!

2019 will be a big year for VET with a federal election likely to be in May and the budget already moved forward to 2 April 2019.

The Federal Government's Expert Review of the VET sector to be conducted by Steven Joyce, with submissions to the VET review due today.

There is also the Federal Government's Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). It is the first review of the AQF in a number of years, with submissions to the review due in March.

In the first half of 2019 we will also have the announcement of the new contract providers for the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network Service and there could be a potential review and changes into the employment/jobactive sector.

So 2019 is shaping up to be a big year, and we look forward to engaging with all our stakeholders.

Remember we are always looking for good news stories each week so feel free to send through your news to share with the wider VET community.

2019 AEN Event Dates

6th - IR & Financial Controllers Network
20th - QA Standards Network

4th - Apprenticeship Luncheon
6th - Goal Setting & Getting Things Done
19th - Managing Difficult Conversations

New RSVP Process

All registrations/RSVP can now be completed via the AEN website.

To RSVP to an event or workshop, simply login and visit the AEN Calendar.

If you do not have a login, you can register here.

Funding of up to $7,000 for Training and Development Sector Women Available

Building on the success of last year's ‘100 Days for Change’ campaign, Women & Leadership Australia is administering an initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s training and development sector.

The campaign is providing women with grants of between $3,000 and $7,000 to enable participation in a range of leadership development programs.

The scholarship funding is provided with the specific intent of providing powerful and effective development opportunities for training and development sector women, however the funding is strictly limited and has to be allocated prior to the end of March.

Expressions of Interest
Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form here prior to Friday 15 March 2019.

Victorian Youth Congress

Minister for Youth, Gabrielle Williams, last week inducted 19 motivated and talented young people from across Victoria into the Labor Government’s second Victorian Youth Congress.

Victorian Youth Congress members will discuss issues affecting young Victorians with Labor Government Ministers, advising on areas of concern and shaping government policies, programs and services.

The Youth Congress members for 2019 include young people from Aboriginal, LGBTI and culturally diverse backgrounds, as well as young people living with a disability.

The advisory group of young people are aged between 13 and 24 and hail from both Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Ms Williams congratulated them as they gathered to meet for the first time.

The new Victorian Youth Congress will build on the success of last year’s inaugural Youth Congress, which focused on youth mental health and wellbeing.

For further information, including the names of Congress Members, please visit Youth Central.

Jump for Bully Zero Fundraising

BullyZero - Skydiving
Gary will be jumping on Saturday, 26 January between 10.00am and noon - St Kilda Marina.

Photos will be sent through (as proof) once the jump has been completed.

Thanks again for your support in this very worthwhile cause.

To view the fundraising page and to donate please visit My Cause - Gary Workman.

OECD - Good jobs for all in a Changing World of Work

OECD - Good Jobs for All in a Changing World of Work
In December 2018 the OECD released a report – Good Jobs for all in a Changing World of Work.

The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with persistently slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality.

The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and detailed policy analysis and recommendations to help countries promote not only strong job creation but also foster job quality and inclusiveness as central policy priorities, while emphasising the importance of resilience and adaptability for good economic and labour market performance in a rapidly changing world of work.

The report also compares a number of countries (including Australia) and ranks their performance against employment participation, quality, inclusiveness, adaptability and other key areas.

To access the report and to read more about their jobs strategy please visit OECD.

National Conference on Youth Homelessness

National Youth Homelessness Conference
This will be the first National Homelessness Conference focused solely on youth to be held in Australia in 20 years.

Please visit the Youth Homelessness Conference Website for further information and to purchase tickets.

NCVER Update

New report: Preliminary Data on Government Funding of VET

Australian Governments spent $6.1bn on VET in 2017 according to data from a new National VET Funding Collection.

Providing a more complete picture of how government funding flows through the sector, this collection comprises all funding provided by state, territory and Australian government VET portfolios to stimulate or support training places and outcomes.

The Government funding of VET 2017 Report provides information on what activities were funded, a breakdown of funding across RTOs, and the asset base for government-funded VET.

Make the Most of your AEN & VCCI Memberships

AEN Members can now enjoy the benefits of the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry membership for $600pa which is 50% off the standard rate.

Access to Work Place Relations Advice Line
Trying to deal with workplace issues alone but don’t know where to start? Before you take any action, call our workplace relations advice line.

Lean on our experts who will provide accurate information and general advice over the phone on all workplace relations issues including, but not limited to, award interpretation and wage rates, disciplinary procedures and dismissals, discrimination, employment conditions, redundancies and WorkCover.

Free Safety Advice that comes to you with the WorkSafe OHS Essentials Program
One of our approved OHS consultants will come to your workplace, learn about your business, identify any hazards and provide practical advice on how you might address them – all then documented in an easy-to-understand safety action plan.

The consultant will visit your workplace again after three months to give further advice and support.

Making Energy Saving Easy
Your FREE energy comparison service, backed by a not-for-profit.

Bring on an Intern - $3000 savings
Make that project you’ve been delaying a priority and take advantage of our ‘Complete’ member-only offer.

Chamber Benefits
Access a range of business and discounted lifestyle offers and member discounts.

Fit2Work Online Police Checks
Use your Victorian Chamber membership to ensure your staff are Fit2Work and receive member discounts.

Business Propel
The next evolution in business assessment tools. Offering an end to end view, this tool will shape your business for the future.

Training and Briefings
Upskill your staff with over 800 short courses, accredited diplomas and certificates, briefings and webinars across Victoria.

Please phone or email Rebecca Brown on 03 8794 1119 or 0419 010 034 anytime for further information, and to take up this fantastic deal.

Stay Safe in the Heat this Summer

Worksafe Banner
Worksafe Heat Banner
With hot weather on the way it’s important to keep cool and safe on the job.

Check out the WorkSafe tips below on how to prevent heat illness from working outdoors in hot weather, or where heat is generated as part of work.
Worksafe Tips for Working in Heat
  • Look at different options to get to and from work, or a different work location.
  • Will public transport be affected by the weather?
  • Reschedule work so the hot tasks are performed during the cooler part of the day.
  • Provide extra rest breaks in a cool area.
  • Reduce the time spent doing hot tasks (eg. job rotation).
  • Monitor the temperature. While there's no maximum temperature set under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 or the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017, for a worker to stop working - some workplaces may have their own policy around this. Check what your policy is.
  • Regularly check if workers/colleagues are showing signs and symptoms of heat illness.
  • Wear hats and light clothing that still provide sun protection.
  • Have cool drinking water close to where you are working.
  • Drink water, even if you aren't thirsty - every 15 minutes.
  • Employers, please see the SunSmart Skin Cancer and Outdoor Work Guide for more info.
  • Use air conditioning and fans to increase air movement.
  • Use shade cloth when working outdoors.
  • Put blinds or curtains down to block out sunlight.
  • Use exhaust ventilation to remove heat or steam from hot equipment.
  • Move hot equipment away from people.

Worksafe Signs and Symptoms of Heat Illness
For more information, please visit Working in Heat on the WorkSafe website or contact WorkSafe's Advisory Service on 1800 136 089.

Thanks to our Industry Partners

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