Group Training is training and employment arrangement where an organisation, known as a Group Training Organisation or GTO, employs apprentices and trainees under an Apprenticeship / Traineeship Training Contract and places them with suitable host employers – enabling them to build their skills and industry knowledge.
Under this arrangement, the GTO is the legal employer and thus assumes the responsibility for the legal aspects of the employment contract as well as the training needs.

Some of the benefits of employing an apprenticeship / traineeship through Group Training are:
- You are not tied to any contract with the apprentice or trainee;
- You have the flexibility to employ an apprentice or trainee for the duration you need one;
- If your business is faced with a reduction in work, you can send the apprentice or trainee back to the GTO who will find them a placement with another host employer;
- All of the government paperwork for the apprenticeship / traineeship is completed and submitted by the GTO;
- The GTO will organise and monitor the training for the apprentice / trainee;
- All insurances and workers compensation responsibilities are assumed by the GTO;
- The required safety equipment is provided to the apprentice / trainee by the GTO;
- The GTO will handle the advertising and recruitment process to provide your business with the most suitable candidates.
To find your nearest Apprenticeship Employer
Please choose your preferred Region and/or Industry below.
Apprentices who become Out of Trade can submit their details here to be assisted by one of our program officers until placed with a host employer through a Group Training Organisation (GTO) or directly with an employer.