In 2013-14, the Commonwealth will provide funding of $1.8 billion to support state skills and workforce development related services as detailed in Table 2.6.
2.6: Payments to support state skills and workforce development related services

This National Partnership will support group training organisations to deliver strategies and initiatives to improve Australian apprenticeship commencements and completions.
I have attached the official response from DIICCSTRE below – this was also in the GTAN Bulletin earlier this week – with this statement from the department and my discussions with HESG, I am confident that in Victoria JGTP funding will be a total of $6.4 million (matched State & Federal Funding) (as per 2012-13 budget)
Mr Andrew Lalor, Acting General Manager, Australian Apprenticeships Branch (DIICCSRTE), has forwarded the following confirming the ongoing Government commitment to JGTP:
“The 2013-14 Budget papers do include funding for the Commonwealth/State and Territory Joint Group Training Program (JGTP) within the Industry Workforce Training component of the Support for the National Training System line item. While it is not listed separately as an individual line item, GTA can be assured that the Australian Government continues its support for group training arrangements under JGTP.
While details of the actual Australian Government contribution in 2013–14 are not yet available, the Australian Government will effectively maintain the commitment to the program at levels consistent with those for 2012–13.
The mechanism for providing this money will be reviewed particularly in view of two states no longer participating in the matched funding arrangement. We are also aware of the need to move funding more quickly in order to maximise the benefits for those group training apprentices who receive targeted training.”
Please visit the JGPT funding section of the Federal Budget website for additional information.