Earlier this week GTAV attended a roundtable review into the effectiveness and possible improvements into VET in school programs. For further information, read here
As many of you would know this has been an area of frustration to many GTO’s running SBAT programs in the past.
Scope of the review
The review will investigate how effectively vocational education is being delivered in senior secondary schools, how well government investment is being used to achieve results for students and how well the current system is placed to continue to deliver job- and study-ready students into the future.
Key areas of interest for the review include:
- the quality of delivery of VET in schools, including in VCE and VCAL, through both VET programs and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships;
- governance and accountabilities in delivering VET in schools;
- measurement of attainment and assessment of student achievement;
- methods of delivery of VET in schools, including identification of areas of best practice and emerging practice; and
- achievement of results within existing resources.
Based on the outcomes of the consultation and analysis of the system’s effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability the review will then develop potential options for consideration by Government.
GTAV will add this item to various member network meetings over the coming weeks to seek further input from members