Westvic Staffing Solutions, in partnership with ENVITE Environment and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), is supporting 12 students, who come from bushfire affected areas in East Gippsland, complete a Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management – a school-based program about environment and conservation works and road network maintenance associated with Forest Management.
Westvic have been providing ongoing menoring and support to each of the students, host employers and participating schools throughout the program. This has included regular video conference meetings combined with face-to-face on-site observations.
Mallacoota Secondary College, Orbost Secondary College and Swifts Creek Secondary College, who are all participating in the program were all in the fire impact zone. Having access to VET programs such as school-based traineeships are critical in assisting students to find suitable and meaningful employment beyond school. With Youth disengagement rates in East Gippsland amongst the highest in the state, programs such as the East Gippsland Bushfire Recovery Program are needed throughout the East Gippsland Community.
This program has seen a number of like-minded community groups come together and ensured it’s success.