Massimo has a passion for cars, enjoys problem-solving and working with his hands. He chose a school-based automotive apprenticeship and hasn’t looked back. Massimo is deaf and wears Cochlear implants which allows him to hear and communicate. A workshop environment can be difficult because of background noises, but his trainers understand this and help him to overcome these challenges. He is currently learning Auslan which allows him to communicate with deaf customers at work.
In 2019, Massimo made a film about homelessness at the ‘Hear for You’ Film Festival and won the Best Film Award with other deaf peers. In 2020, he was awarded ‘The Apprentice of the Year for Automotive – School Based’ through Kangan Institute, and in 2021 was a finalist in the category of School-based Apprentice of the Year at the Victorian Training Awards.
Massimo’s believes that every person has the right to feel safe and valued at work, in school and in our society. His advice to anyone commencing an apprenticeship, make sure the right support network is in place to assist you with your disability. Through his conversations with WPC Group, BMW Melbourne, and Kangan Institute, Massimo was provided the support network tailored for his needs.