Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders 2014 – Applications Open


We are currently looking for nominees to represent Victoria at the GTA Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders program being held from the 17th-22nd August 2014 in Canberra.

The Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders program targets the elite group of outstanding  group training apprentices and trainees who are demonstrating high levels of performance, maturity and leadership throughout their placement. This leadership and career development program not only benefits the participants, host employers and GTOs but is also a valuable tool for group training state and national associations as they seek ambassadors and role models able to effectively promote the value of group training.

Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders runs over 5 days at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Canberra. It is usually launched by the Governor-General at Government House however we await confirmation of this for 2014 given there is a change in Governor-General.

Employee engagement expert, Ian Hutchinson, leads participants through a career development process identifying how their interests, values, skills and personality traits combine with their leadership skills to create an informed vision for their futures and realistic action plans to achieve their goals. Leonie Stanfield works with participants to enhance their communication skills and facilitate their involvement as ambassadors for apprenticeships and group training.

This year, applicants are required to submit a short video of themselves along with their written application.

Victorian applications need to be submitted by COB Friday 16th May 2014.

Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders – Class of 2013