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Earlier today the AEN submitted its response for comment on the Draft Labour Hire Licensing Regulations 2018: The Apprentice Employment Network (AEN) is the peak industry body representing Group Training Organisations (GTOs) across Victoria. AEN’s purpose is to support members and Government to achieve skilled and sustainable employment and training for the wider community. Within… Read more

Nominations for the 2018 AEN Annual Awards have now opened. Each year AEN present a number of awards to recognise the great work apprentices, trainees, GTOs and their staff do across the State. The awards will be presented as part of our annual dinner being held on Thursday 22 November at Pelican’s Landing, Williamstown.  … Read more

Earlier today the Victorian Skills Commissioner – Mr Neil Coulson, toured the facilities at Patterson Cheney in Dandenong and presented certificates to 18 local apprentices all working in the automotive sector. Patterson Cheney has been in business for more than 100 years and employs over 600 people in Melbourne.  Patterson Cheney currently have 16 apprentices… Read more

At this year’s Apprenticeships Luncheon, AEN acknowledged former Minister for Vocational Training and Skills the Hon. Steve Herbert with an AEN Lifetime Achievement award for his 30+ years of service to the education sector. During his time as a Government Minister, Steve Herbert significantly shaped and transformed Victoria’s training and International education system; implementing major… Read more

In the latter half of 2017, Kestrel committed experienced apprentice management resources to delivering a range of MIP projects advantageous to young adults across the region. Kestrel understood that many employers are accustomed to selecting the very best talent from a large pool of potential candidates; a process that unfortunately leaves many young adults in… Read more

ATEL worked with TAFE NSW Kingswood campus to develop a Multi-industry Project (MIP) in the hospitality industry. TAFE Kingswood had not previously conducted a multi-trade pre-apprenticeship program and typically designed pre-apprenticeship courses of 5 to 6 weeks. The TAFE team had concerns about keeping the MIP participants engage over 12 weeks and worked hard to… Read more

2018 will see TasBGAS running their very successful Multi-Industry Project (MIP) again. This project engages year 10 students from several schools across Tasmania. In 2017 19 of 20 participants completed the program over the school year – this level of completion is very exciting and testament to a well-planned and communicated project. David Fagan of… Read more

Skillset are gearing up to run MIP projects in 2018. During 2016 and 2017 Skillset have ran 9 MIP projects across Bathurst, Orange, Mudgee and Dubbo engaging 115 participants in skills across Building and Construction and Engineering and Automotive themes. Skillset have worked strategically in the community.  They have built a strong and collaborative relationship… Read more

The TACC Multi Industry Pre-Apprentice project aims to provide participants with the opportunity to have a “hands on” trial of three different automotive industries during the course, mechanical, body repair and auto electrical. The training component is split into two  5-week sessions and one 4-week session with 1-week work placements scheduled between the training. Training… Read more

ATEP liaised with community groups such as the Brotherhood of St Lawrence to identify barriers to youth employment and invite applications. The project is developed to support the needs of unemployed youth in the area including limitations on public transport. The ATEP projects offer a range of support to assist with barriers to attending and… Read more