In 2014 Matt commenced his apprenticeship with Ai Group as a Maintenance Fitter securing a position with Nestle Uncle Toby’s in Wagaunah. He is now in the process of completing his second qualification in Engineering Fabrication. Matt has developed excellent leadership skills and is a mentor to new apprentices, he is highly regarded, and displays… Read more
Posts Categorized: Award Winners
Paris Panteli – Electrical Apprentice AiGroup Apprentice & Trainee Centre In his role as an electrical apprentice with Bitzer Australia, Paris is extremely proactive and has an extremely high regard for maintaining a high level of safety within the factory as well as the ongoing wellbeing of his colleagues in the workplace. Paris always ensures… Read more
‘On The Road To Work’ – Multi Industry, School Based & Pre-Apprenticeship Program This program focuses on Certificate II qualifications that had a clear pathway to apprenticeship or traineeship in areas such as building & construction, land & food, horticulture and business services. The ATEP team have developed innovative ideas to engage participants with long… Read more
Lift Off Program This program is a re-engagement program for students in year 7, 8 & 9, designed to transition students back into education through a flexible safe and non-threatening environment. Lift Off is supported by a partner group founded by Cranbourne East Secondary School. Designed for students that have disengaged from school due to… Read more
AiGroup committed to providing all workers, contractors and visitors with a safe and healthy work environment. They have designed and implemented a number services with the ultimate goal of eradicating injuries, dangers and incidents from the workplace. These include: Safety talk newsletters, online safety induction videos, take 5 visits and training sessions at host organisations,… Read more
Westvic has played a significant role in assisting Host Employers to identify and meet their OH&S obligations. Some of the methods include; the use of checklists, observation & consultation. Increasing the awareness to senior management and officers regarding their obligations and responsibilities to the to OH&S Act. Promoting good practice and emphasis on corporate responsibility-… Read more
‘New Agricultural Traineeships for School Leavers in Drought affected North West Victoria’ program. Skillinvest together with Longerong College developed and implemented a program to create 20 agricultural traineeships for school leavers affected by the drought in North West Victoria. The program received $574,000 Government funding. The aim of the program was to provide school leavers… Read more
Ashley completed a school-based traineeship in community services work whilst attending Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College in 2015. Ashley went about her training and work placement in a quiet, unassuming manner. She always contributed in class and encouraged others at the Gordon TAFE. She was hosted by Diversitat through Gforce, in their Multi-Cultural aged care… Read more
Originally from Maryborough Victoria, Greg moved to Geelong in 2013 looking for work in the furniture industry. Having previously taken design and technology classes, and starting a furniture design course at university he realised he had a passion for fine timber work and hand crafted upholstery. In 2013, Greg secured a position through Gforce with… Read more
At the age of 16, Symantha McGrath was a young school drop out, hanging around with “the wrong crowd” after growing up in a very unstable environment. As a child Symantha had no adult role models or peers that were in any form of employment, key adults around her were drug affected, and as a… Read more