Media Release: Work Experience The Key To Career Success


The Group Training Association of Victoria has released its budget submission, with four key policy recommendations for the future of apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria.

The GTAV’s reform proposals include developing the apprenticeship ‘work experience year’, in which prospective apprentices and trainees spend a year sampling trades first hand with supervision and school-based support.

The structured program ensures that prospective apprentices and trainees have a chance to experience first-hand the requirements and nature of four potential careers before committing themselves to a profession.

“The world of work is so different to what school students are used to that the taster year provides an important chance to learn what a trade is really all about and make an informed choice,” says Gary Workman, Executive Director of the Group Training Association of Victoria, “Research has shown that the better kids understand the choices they make, the better the chance that they will stick with them.” Currently, many school leavers enter a trade qualification without really understanding the day-to-day requirements of the job or having any real understanding of the potential career pathways it may offer. We believe this contributes significantly to the numbers of young people who fail to complete their training and qualifications which the state government has shown concern about.

The proposal put forward by the GTAV would allow another 10,000 students a year the opportunity to participate in school-based apprenticeship programs.

The government must put an end to training for training’s sake

The GTAV is also calling for funding for training to be closely linked to an employment outcome, regardless of the industry. Training incentives are currently paid out prematurely, encouraging profit-seeking registered training organisations to push young people into signing up to qualifications they are unsuited to and which doesn’t culminate in an employment outcome. This leaves the person without skills and, because the funding is attached to the individual rather than the placement, leaves no government funding support for a future employer. The GTAV calls on the state government to better tie training funding to employment outcomes.

The apprenticeship system needs more certainty

Over the past 3 years GTOs have entered into new financial years without knowing whether government funding will continue. GTAV would welcome a long-term commitment from the Victorian and Commonwealth governments which will improve payment processes and the ability for the Group Training industry to make a longer term commitment to local programs and resources.

NCVER’s research on apprenticeship completions can be found at


Gary Workman, Executive Director of the Group Training Association of Victoria is available for interview.

For media enquiries please contact:

Parnell McGuinness

p. 0412 228 282



*The Group Training Association of Victoria is the peak body representing group training organisations that employ over 8500 apprentices and trainees across all industry sectors each year in Victoria.