In October 2017 the AEN hosted a study tour of the US & UAE
To investigate a range of trade and apprentice training systems in the US and to better understand international trends in apprenticeships.
- INAP conference (innovative apprenticeships) (Washington DC)
- US – Community colleges (Nova, Fox, Dawson,)
- US – privately owned trade institutes – (Lincoln Institute, Coyne College)
- US – union trade training schools (UA400 Plumbing and steamfitters)
- US – government / policy and industry
- UAE – international worldskills conference
- UAE – worldskills competition
- Gary Workman – Apprenticeship Employment Network
- Nik Mavrommatis – Apprenticeship Employment Network
- Dean Luciani – Westvic Staffing Solutions
- Rob Birch – G-Force
- Mark Knox – Apprenticeships Group Australia
- Franklin O’Carroll – Holmesglen Institute
- Frederick Maddern – WPC Group
- Russell Thorn – GOTafe
Study Tour Summary – Key Observations
Apprenticeship Observations: Many countries have similar issues to Australia
There were certainly a number of common themes during our tour, where there were very similar issues to what we face in Australia including;
- Disconnection / poor communication between employers and training providers (varying levels depending on country and location)
- Social / behaviour of youth / employer expectations (very large issue in US)
- How do countries use the apprenticeship system to improve youth employment and workforce needs
- Term “apprenticeship” seems to be used to cover all industries/trades that have a workplace/ training – entry level positions.
- Perception of apprenticeships in US – University/college preference for youth/ families – different to European perceptions
- Many countries the “apprenticeship” vary in duration from 12 months – 7 years
- Attracting youth to the trades.
- Connecting with / Working with secondary schools (High schools) to better promote trade/career pathways.
- Employer concerns Aging population / difficult to find staff/ workforce needs for the future
Australian Benefits and Strengths
The study tour group agreed that the Australian VET system was in a strong position when compared to many other countries. The Australian VET system has a very solid foundation with most of the key components that make up a sustainable VET system already well in place.Strong policies with a qualifications framework
- Strong funding (compared to US) similar funding based on European experiences (however the funding is generated from industry taxes/ levies)
- Australia is the only country with a strong GTO model
- UK & US have “intermediaries” model to assist the employer and youth into apprenticeships
- Incentives for employers in Australia (however costs for training with employer)
- European countries – levies/taxes on employers – this funds the system
- Inclusion / disabilities/ women/ CALD (Australia have strong policies when compared to other countries)
- Men/ women pay/ conditions more equitable (up to 31% difference in Asia/ Africa – less for women)
- Australia well positioned / well ahead of all countries except Germany/ and surrounding countries)
- Government driven system in Australia? (not sure if this is a strength – however it is good to see the government having VET as a priority).
Key Observations: Things Australia could investigate further
There were a few key items that we believe the Australian Government should explore further including;
- The training providers seem to have stronger links with employers and employment outcomes. Many US states require training providers to achieve a minimum 70% employment outcomes to retain their accreditation.
- Student funding models also seemed to require greater “buy-in” from students with many systems utilising student loan programs instead of “free government placements” – this in-turn assisted with completion rates- as many colleges in the US have high (better than 70%) completion rates for trade/ technical programs.
- Employers / industry also seemed better connected to the VET system in Europe as they paid into a Levy/tax system.
- Training providers seemed to have stronger links with employers/industry on curriculum design and assessment, changes to curriculum occurred at a local level to meet local needs- and could be developed within 12 months in many cases. (the disadvantage to this is not having “national/state consistency” but this didn’t seem to worry the employers or the colleges).
- Scale – Overall student participation numbers was high at each training organisation. This scale seemed to create improved flexibility for the training organisation, more classes, more options for students and employers.
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