After several attempts at different career paths, Anthony realised his jobs were not what he was looking for. Anthony wanted something with a structured work environment and a hands-on job. Anthony began looking for a manufacturing career, and after securing his apprenticeship with Ai Group and Hardchrome Engineering, he knew he’d made the right choice.
Ai Group Training consultant Bec Tindal began noticing on her regular visits that Work Health and Safety was always part of the discussions with Anthony. As the visits progressed, Bec became aware that Anthony was passionate about Work Health and Safety. Anthony mentioned he was contributing a lot to the toolbox meetings as well as occasionally chairing the weekly WHS meetings.
Feeling comfortable within his workplace to speak up and noticing that Hardchrome had a positive culture in the workshop, he was sure they would embrace continuous improvements to safety – and he was right. The team at Hardchrome have weekly safety meetings, allowing staff to recap the things they have learnt during the week.
Anthony believes being safe at work is a quality of a good employee, and everybody should prioritise safety at work.