Bree is the only female in MEGTs Hobart MIP in Carpentry, joinery, brick and plaster/paint project.
Joanna of MEGT reports Bree’s achievement at the end of the project
“The sole female participant, Bree Kelly, was the one participant who completed the course and also completed Work Experience. Work Experience was with the construction company VOS Constructions. They had been advertising for an apprentice and Bree applied but had not been given an interview until being confirmed as a work experience participant. Although she did not secure the apprenticeship, she was shortlisted as one of six for interview. On her Work Experience, Bree was the only female construction worker on site. Bree was breaking some new ground with VOS and remains committed to working in this industry.”
Bree has since gone on to secure a building apprenticeship with VOS. She is their first female apprentice.
Click here for the MEGT website.
If you like to run or participate in a MIP project please contact the office 03 9639 3955.